Using Both Hands for the Lord

Series: Nehemiah: Sword & The Trowel
Date: 4/19/2020
Text: Nehemiah 4:1-23

In the text, we see three principles related to the church today:

  • We are in a battle
  • We have work to do
  • We are not alone in the battle or in the task at hand

Read Nehemiah 4:1-23. Read the passage and consider the following questions. 

  • Intro: Are you right-handed or left-handed or Ambidextrous?
  • Do you know anyone who is ambidextrous?

1. We are in a battle:
Read verses 1-3. 

  1. Can you recall a time you were jeered at or teased? If so, do you remember how that felt?
  2. How do you think the Israelites felt when Tobiah said “a fox could knock that wall down?”
  3. In verses 4-5 how does Nehemiah respond to this round of verbal attack?
  4. In verses 7-8 there is another wave of angry response. Do you see any differences from the level of response from verses 1 and 3?

Read verse 9. 

  1. What two actions does Nehemiah lead the people in doing as a response to the second wave of attacks?

If you have time read Ephesians 6: 10-19. 

  1. How could each of these types of weapons or armor be helpful in our fight against spiritual attacks or discouragement or unbelief? 
  • Belt of truth
  • Breastplate of righteousness
  • Shoes of the gospel of peace 
  • Helmet of salvation
  • Shield of faith 
  • Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God 
  • Prayer

Remember the pattern for us to follow when we feel attacked – pray, remember God is awesome, go to work, and fight back against the enemy.

2. We have work to do:
Verse 17 says “Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other.”
The only way to do this is to be “ambidextrous spiritually.”

Do you find you are better at one than the other? (spiritual battles v. getting things done for the Lord)

At RMCC we believe our “work” is contained in our Disciple-Making Pathway. It involves 4 “Gs” 
-GATHER in Worship
-GROW in Community
-GIVE time, talent, and treasure
-GO make disciples 
Is there an action step you can take this week to fulfill your calling in one of these areas?

3. We are not alone:
Nehemiah reminds us we are not alone. Our awesome God is with us AND we have each other.
Read verse 14. 
How does Nehemiah describe God?
Read verses 19-20. 
What are we supposed to do when we hear our brothers or sisters need help?
What does this tell us God will do for us? 
Is there some task or ministry you are trying to do alone?
