What it means to be adopted in God’s household

Adapted from a Jim Hay’s sermon

3-minute read

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, kin whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Ephesians 2:19-22

In an era marked by rapid changes and uncertainties, the quest for a constant source of guidance and assurance is at the forefront. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, chapters, offers us insights into how we can find our guiding star amidst life’s storms. This deeper exploration aims to not only understand our place in God’s grand narrative but also to discover how we can live out our calling with purpose and confidence.

Embraced by Love

Paul begins by affirming our transformation from outsiders to beloved members of God’s kingdom. This shift from alienation to belonging is a testament to the depth of God’s love—a love that adopts us as sons and daughters, making us heirs to an eternal kingdom. The concept of citizenship here is not merely symbolic; it signifies a complete turnaround in our identity, security, and purpose.

As citizens, we are no longer vulnerable or isolated; we are part of a divine polity under the benevolent rule of King Jesus. In this kingdom, the peace and presence of God are our constant companions, shielding us from the transient woes of this world. The anticipation of Christ’s return and the full manifestation of His kingdom does not leave us passive but actively engaged in the reality of His power today. Our status as citizens assures us that, despite the world’s chaos, we belong to a realm where love reigns supreme.

Anchored by Truth

Paul’s discourse on the foundation of God’s household brings to light the unshakeable truth that underpins our faith. This foundation, laid by the prophets and apostles, is anchored in the cornerstone—Christ Himself. It is a reminder that the church, God’s spiritual household, is built on a legacy of faith that spans generations, cultures, and geographies.

The significance of Jesus as the cornerstone cannot be overstated. He is the axis on which the entire structure stands firm, providing alignment, stability, and direction. The imagery of a building, made up of diverse but unified believers, emphasizes the collective security found in our faith’s shared foundation. As members of this household, our spiritual security is guaranteed by the blood of Christ, which seals God’s covenant of love with us.

Called to Purpose

The metaphor of believers as living stones vividly illustrates our collective mission and the dynamic nature of the church. Each one of us, with our unique gifts and callings, is integral to the construction of God’s spiritual edifice. This building is not made of inanimate stones but of living, breathing believers, each contributing to the growth and strength of the whole.

Our unity and growth in Christ are facilitated by the Holy Spirit, the divine mortar that binds us together. This unity in diversity mirrors the kingdom of heaven, a tapestry of every tribe, tongue, and nation. By being built together into a spiritual house, we embody the very essence of God’s plan for humanity—a plan that transcends cultural, racial, and social divisions to forge a community rooted in love, service, and worship.

This journey through Ephesians beckons us to anchor our lives in the truths of our identity, security, and purpose in Christ. As we navigate the uncertainties of this world, our guiding star is the reality of our belonging in God and our role in His kingdom. Herein lies our peace, our strength, and our mission—to live as citizens of heaven, secure members of God’s family, and active participants in building His kingdom on earth.

In embracing this identity, we step into the light of our true North Star, empowered to live out our calling with confidence and hope, making a difference in a world yearning for the peace and love only Christ can offer.

All are welcome to learn more about belonging in Christ by visiting The Fount’s weekly meeting on Sunday, 10 am, at the Kansas City Club. Stay up to date with all our events, new blogs, and weekly encouragement by following us on Facebook and Instagram.
