Goodness: Overcoming Faking-It

Series: Fruit of the Spirit
Date: 10/25/2020
Text: Romans 3:9-26

Central Thought: The goodness of God in contrast to mankind’s lack of goodness.
Read the text as a group. Share your observations, encouragements, and convictions from the text and Sunday’s sermon.
Next, discuss some of the following questions related to goodness.

  1. Goodness is a outworking of righteousness and as such is unique to Christianity. How does it make you reconsider “goodness” when you think of it as being a uniquely Christian concept?
  2. Jon mentioned in the sermon various cultural versions of Jesus (ie Therapist Jesus, Hipster Jesus, Spiritual Jesus, Touchdown Jesus, ect) of these which are you more inclined to following. Why?
  3. There were 4 counterfeit ideas of goodness discussed in the sermon (i. Moral Relativism-ie avoiding absolute truth and distorting Jesus). ii. Legalism (self made religion, asceticism). iii. Antinomianism (being against the law or hyper grace) iv. Infused Righteousness. Of these 4 which one is the biggest danger to you? How can your community help you stay accountable?
  4. One of the charges this week was to press into Holiness. Part of this included an encouragement to Identify a particular doctrine that stirs your affections for Christ and use this to “root” out sin… (What doctrine fill you with the most joy? and how does that doctrine help you put your sin to death?)
  5. Goodness requires confession. We should press into community and confession. Are there areas of sin in your life that you need to confess (improper action, thoughts, or improper view of God).
  6. There are many false gospel voices available to us. How can you guard your heart from being led astray to believe these counterfeit ideas of goodness.